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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Look, Your Honor!"

So while law enforcement is using computer printouts as "evidence" in court, printouts that could be bogus phone records, bank statements, criminal history or anything else that serves their purposes, they also know that their own systems are hopelessly flawed. I have maintained, for good reason, that all of this started with an ex-Marine cop copying DMV photos and pasting them into an ill-conceived, and fraudulent, arrest and booking report. I am also convinced, based on the evidence provided by the court records associated with the DA Number Scam perpetrated by San Diego County D.A. Paul "Pffft", that it was intentional and part of a collaborative effort. There is no other way to interpret the available records (and the lack of those that would support the contention that the "arrests" described by "Book-em' Dan-O" Lasher ever took place). I also noted that there is a database entry that is completely fabricated, an "active" case that never occurred, period.

Even if one were to subtract the evidence suggesting a collaborative effort, and the motives and affiliations of those involved, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have essentially admitted that they have no control over their databases or systems anyway. In other words, for all I know my alleged "criminal history" became several pages larger while I wrote the previous essay. After all, if two people can have the same DA number despite the fact none of the descriptive data is consistent, despite the fact one is deceased, despite the fact one appeared in court to properly adjudicate those issues, then what exactly is it that law enforcement can claim to be accurate as far as the "evidence" they are presenting to the judiciary? What are those court orders worth if the D.A. goes back to his office and obviates them with a few keystrokes?

For the sake of emphasis, I will repeat that the bogus phone records that remain in my possession were clearly derived from a counterfeit website, the result of DNS redirection and twenty minutes later, the offshore telecom was refusing to provide accurate internal records at their retail outlet. Why should they care if the bogus records only serve the purposes of law enforcement? They have immunity from civil liability. The only bank records associated with an account that could be attributed to me, an account with my signature at least, also included alterations and deletions, just like every other Internet-based source I've ever used, including the account where the previous essays were published, and unfortunately my G-mail account as well.

And while I've been pointing these things out, horrific stories about the consequences suffered by others who were victimized by corrupt files, malicious code and the other consequences of illegal access to their property or accounts continue to be reported on a daily basis. So while it's unfortunate that law enforcement and government agencies have no control over their databases or systems, they will not be the ones that suffer the consequences. As usual. And if you read "Questioning the Internet" you'll find quotes from their own people predicting that their systems were not designed or capable of anything resembling security or "resiliency" in the future. So the future arrived, it ain't pretty, and the Cyber-Boss quit.

For the rest of us, especially those of us who have been targeted by CLEOs, Public Servants and Corporate Stooges that enjoy exclusive access to those databases and control over what they produce in the way of "evidence" that serve their purposes of CLEOs, the situation is even uglier. I have no control, for instance, over the appearances by CLEO stooges, posers, script-readers or proxies, (or the harassment by military slime and those same CLEO stooges). But I also know that law enforcement has the ability to subtract property, and among the Magnificent Ironies, the ability and the motive to falsely attribute Abandoned Shopping Bags, cell phones, e-mails, Internet postings, and records which are nothing more than printouts or contrivances produced with a personal computer, a scanner or a copy machine. Things I may never see or  know exist.

They can do this primarily because they have already stolen all of my belongings, everything most people consider personal to them, and maintain possession of them. Why would they acknowledge that they were stolen when all of those things become vehicles for CLEO storylines as Bonnie Dumanis, County Hag Ms. Honey and San Diego County Sheriff Deputies proved when they staged that CLEO Award-winning production of an arrest of their own stooge using stolen property as a device to bring bogus charges?

But as we follow this imprecise path towards the points of significance, the evidence of  which I believe is compelling, and in some cases conclusive, CLEOs, their stooges and the news often supply support. The link below, the appearance of an Abandoned Cell Phone, the use of bogus discount cards by retailers, and the parade of CLEO stooges, posers and script-readers, have all been noted. So its just another day in the CLEO Alternate Universe where CLEO "credibility" is the only physical law that applies to anything that occurs within it.

But how can they maintain that their own databases are accurate, how do they call those records "evidence" in a judicial environment when a bunch of junior hackers are making fools out of them and their systems?

When I wrote "Questioning the Internet" almost two years ago, it didn't take long before I saw CLEO stooges engaging in proximity poses and the affectations suggestive of illegal activity. It took me a few months to realize that many of them were wearing black hats, and a while longer to associate it with the name of the informal group of Super Geeks I mentioned in that piece. Since then, just about everything I've written about has been mimicked by CLEO stooges. For instance, I've pointed out that people with no money have a limited number of destinations available to them, especially those that like to write which requires a computer. I've made references to places like Burger King because of an ambush by underage teens who walked out displaying cigarettes that they brought with them, a common CLEO tactic. I've made references to many places and things for their value as enhancements common to anyone who uses the language creatively, none of them intended as anything other than metaphorical references.

And along the way, whether it was the Mr. Blackwell outfits, the cammy gear, or a stop at a fast food outlet, I couldn't help but wondering whether somewhere a Crooked Law Enforcement Official was telling a judge, "Look, Your Honor, he's at a fast food place just like it says here! This must be a secret code!" Or, "Look, Your Honor! There's another suspicious-looking character with a black hat! This can't be a coincidence." Of course it can't be a coincidence, there's too many of them, and not a single one of the CLEO stooges has any way of knowing where I might be at a certain time unless CLEOs are telling them, especially on short notice, like when I decide to wait for a bus, or stop for a cup of coffee, or simply to rest for a few minutes.

On one occasion, I glanced at a newspaper on a rack and a guy in a black hat no less, came rushing into the establishment, took out a piece of paper at tried to make it appear he retrieved it from the newspaper on the rack. I never touched the newspaper, only glanced at the headline, but this CLEO stooge was outside ready to spring into action to affect the portrayal that he had recovered a piece of paper. Who stages this stuff? Who sits around waiting for a guy to glance at a newspaper anyway? And how did he know I would even bother to glance at it from outside? This is CLEO bullshit, so someone observing told him when to spring into action to affect the portrayal, and to act as a boomerang for a piece of paper that he brought with him.

So for the nearly two years I've been posting these essays, for lack of another means of reporting the offenses described, those things that law enforcement has adamantly refused to acknowledge, I can't help but wondering if judges and the rest of the population are as stupid as CLEOs want them to be. I only point this out because it has been apparent for some time that every CLEO scam I've discovered and described is reliant on this assumption. I'm stupid, the judiciary is stupid, the general population is stupid, and all of us only exist for the benefit of their storylines and their agenda.

Moments after I wrote the essay above, the CLEO stooges, which are easy to identify because of their costumes, movements and recitals, sprang into action just in time to be recorded on video by two passing patrol cars, all the characters synchronized with my exit. Is this stuff for real? Black hats, phony poses for passing patrol cars, comical affectations and recitals? Is every word I write or utter in public supposed to become part of a CLEO storyline, a secret code scenario, a super-devious, ultra covert attempt to break the law such that CLEOs can come up with a plausible scenario that somehow resembles a legitimate law enforcement endeavor? Something other than a Perpetual Investigation that will never end until your humble writer is precluded from critical assessment of law enforcement practices and certain public officials?

The reason I ask is that these subjects would have never been examined closely had it not been for a CLEO agenda that included falsifications and thefts, the response being even more falsifications and thefts. The Big Law Dog could have accepted a theft report and then trashed it a few minutes later. I have only followed the path of documentation and evidence, just like any other investigative journalist. I have only asked the questions that were begging for answers, just like any other investigative journalist. And if you trace all of this back to the source, the point of origin, you'll find a common thief ("Igor"), an crooked ex-Marine cop, and a bunch of ex-military idiots that should have been prosecuted for their criminal conduct long before others like myself, my mother and the rest of the population, including those in the law enforcement community, became obliged to pay the price for their recklessness, stupidity and their destructive natural tendencies.

So now law enforcement has to have people follow me in costumes wherever I go, posing for staged photos, talking about illegal activity as if to prove what I've been saying is 100% accurate. That law enforcement will never admit that one of their members falsified a report. Instead, they are willing to falsify a thousand more reports to make the bogus one appear to be true, despite the fact that according to the physical laws of the Singular Universe, it is impossible. That they are much more inclined to commit a series of felonies to cover up a single misdemeanor than they are to admit the misdemeanor when it involves one of their own. And the end-all solution to anything that they refer to as "causing trouble" is to make accusations, restrain, detain, steal.

The number of accusations made against me, the unrelenting barrage that has followed me since I became destitute due to the criminal acts described here, is truly amazing. No one, especially someone who puts so much effort into avoiding people and situations that almost always result in police responses, complaints or ambushes, could possibly commit so many offenses unless they set out to establish a world record.

All I can say to the military slime that caused this, and the civilian law enforcement personnel that seem obliged to cover it up, is that you should tell the idiots that thought of this scam that they should have picked a guy who wasn't liable to write a f**cking book about it. You should have picked a guy that wasn't a top English and grammar student at every level of his education because his mother was a literary scholar and a professional English teacher. You should have picked a guy, that left to his own devices, without any inclination to spend his time collecting aluminum cans or drinking out of a brown paper bag, wouldn't spend it writing about his experiences, something he was naturally inclined to do since birth. You should have picked a guy a lot closer to the actual profile of the late Michael E. Bartley.

That's how I know the people that conceived the elements of this scam must be ex-military. No one else could possibly be that stupid. And if anyone else is actually stupid enough to think that CLEO stooges are performing for anyone but CLEOs and the military slime that often direct them, I'll sure be interested to find out how it is supposed to make any sense, especially without profit or motive. But if the intention is only to be annoying, to supplement the other forms of harassment, that would be even less of a surprise than a quasi-plausible CLEO storyline.  

© humble journalist

Just for the record, it is my opinion that Burger King ranks at or near the bottom of the fast food chains. Their food is crap, not fit for human consumption as far as I'm concerned. Of course, if I had a choice, I'd be preparing my own meals, making my own coffee, and I would never set foot in another fast food franchise unless it was the last and only option short of starvation. I wouldn't be writing on a crummy public computer either, knowing that that the servers were controlled by Public Servants who have demonstrated on many occasions their contempt for me and my presence, and who have consistently provided access to those responsible for the corruption of my storage media, alterations and deletions to text, and the theft of passwords that facilitated it. 

Nor would you find me in any other public place, subject to the antics of CLEO stooges that rely on knowledge of my location, the positioning of surveillance devices and law enforcement personnel to affect their portrayals, and subjected to the idiocy of nose-picking half-wits that complain about my attitude, conveniently ignoring harassment by CLEO stooges and military slime.

Nor would I be writing an extended version of what started off as a two-page theft report at all. But at least Steve Cooley can't say there was never a theft report.      

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