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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bobbleheads: Don't Touch My Junk

When the "Bobblehead" issue became apparent due to their conspicuous antics, it served notice that the CLEO/Military Slime population had another hole in their dike that needed to be plugged. Prior to that, I really hadn't considered the possibility that anyone would think it was necessary to question my education, education or aptitude because I can't think of anything easier than taking a test I've already passed or demonstrating in real time my composition abilities. That is when I realized that one of the elements to the ID fraud, specifically the background and criminal record of Michael E. Bartley, were all linked, which led me to believe that there was a distinct possibility that the fraud never actually ended, that there was indeed a crime in progress that involved "some blonde guy" trespassing on my mother's property.

This of course, led to any number of other questions that have gone unanswered, some of them deliberately concealed, the evidence stolen and destroyed by those with an obvious motive. But any professor of English, anyone with an advanced degree or specialized training, can tell you that the same person wrote all of these essays, that person being your humble writer. I'm not here to provide an education to the ignorant masses on the subject of literacy, grammar or composition. I am only pointing out that these essays are following a specific path, the intention being to connect subjects and elements that may seem disparate at first glance, and turn them into a logical, compelling presentation. This is how a professional writer actually performs his task, and there are no "Bobbleheads" that could possibly understand how I intend to do it, what the conclusions may be, or how these essays have been constructed to lead to those conclusions.

Simply put, there is no room for contributors, editors, researchers or any other form of assistance or scrutiny. The notion of a "Bobblehead" participating in that process is not only impossible to imagine, it would actually be counterproductive. So does that "hole in the dike" continue to exist for CLEO/Military Slime? I don't know, but one of the things I've discovered is that the only people that seem to support the notion that I was ever in the military, or that I don't have the aptitude or skills to accomplish that which I have in a scholastic environment, are the same Bottom 9% folks (and their relations) that have consistently imposed themselves on the sequence of events; the perpetrators of thefts, the frauds, the impersonations and other criminal offenses I've described in these essays; the Accusing Fingers who have supplied law enforcement with bogus complaints; the people that have stalked and harassed me almost continually since I discovered the fraudulent General Power of Attorney document and sought law enforcement intervention and judicial review; the stand-ins who I've found at hospitals, grocery stores, libraries and other venues who somehow know what they need to do to support CLEO storylines; and as near as I can tell, constitute every example of "Cop Filth" that I've encountered. And never once have these people been held accountable, or even questioned about any of their actions.

So if the "Bobbleheads" were necessary to portray your humble writer as an uneducated, ex-military slimeball, it stands to reason that law enforcement would be obliged to cling to their phony arrest and booking reports (authored by military slime), bogus database entries and the profile that is actually that of a deceased ex-Navy piece of shit who was recruited for the purpose, which was only possible because he was an ex-Navy piece of shit with a file accessible by other ex-Navy pieces of shit, the scam reliant on the rest of the ex-Navy piece of shit population supporting the entire scam. No, I was never in the military, and my contempt for those who remain unprosecuted criminals is palpable. But I decided that these essays, the compelling arguments that will be made in an inimitable, logical manner, are the best response. There are bigger issues here, and they will all be addressed and hopefully connected in such a way that the issues are clarified and a dialog takes place; the same sort of dialog that was intended when the Founders supplied us with the First Amendment.

Those with an advanced knowledge of grammar and composition, may also note that what you see here is freestyle keyboard hacking in its purest form, something that all professional writers hope to indulge in someday because all of us, no matter what environment, reporting, copy writing, technical writing, teaching, have all been stuck with guidelines that were imposed on us by supervisors, editors and clients. What you see here is what happens when a writer is allowed the freedom to write in an unrestricted format. The gloves come off, the language gets a road-test, and the subjects get what they deserve.

It's fun. But also accurate, concise and intended to follow a imprecise path to compelling, logical arguments regarding issues of contemporary significance, something no "Bobblehead" (impersonator) is capable of understanding or writing about.

© humble journalist  

Not long after I started to write this essay, some of America's Heroes began showing up wearing the typical accoutrements they seem to think are necessary to advertise their service to their country, one of whom was behaving like a typical CLEO stooge earlier at another location. My opinion of these people is based on personal experience, their allegiance to their own, as well as certain defense contractors, is not surprising in the least. I have read accounts about the hazing practices in the military, and my opinions do not include how they treat their own people. I couldn't care less. My points of contention, the basis of my criticism, is related to the manner in which they function within the civilian population, particularly those that acquire civilian law enforcement authority. My experience includes frequent examples of what I consider to be harassment along with a series of criminal offenses perpetrated against myself and my mother that civilian law enforcement authorities have conspicuously, and repeatedly, ignored. 

I hope those points have been adequately clarified.   

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